a little about me



This is how my story began

My healing journey started 13 years ago. I have been struggling with anxiety, depression, complex PTSD, and more since I can remember, until I decided that enough is enough, and I committed myself to heal it all.
At some point in my journey, though, I also realized that I still wasn’t making the most authentic choices, despite many years of traditional cognitive-behavioural therapy.
I found myself stuck in a career that did not fulfill me, centered around fashion and marketing. I was consistently feeling burnt out, disconnected from my body and my intuition, always in my head, and caught up in a cycle of repeating the same patterns in my relationships.

Feeling demotivated and lost, one day I realized that my trauma and dysregulation were the real causes of the reality that I had co-created up until that point, and I decided to delve deeper into my healing journey, shifting to a somatic approach.

At this point, I started meditating every day, healing my feminine energy (which was massively wounded at the time), and I went through a process of reparenting and healing my inner child. This eventually not only caused a huge spiritual awakening, but also completely changed my life, allowing me to unravel many more layers of my shadow and to embody the highest version of myself. My victim mentality shifted to a growth mindset, my lifestyle totally changed, and I started aligning naturally with all of those things that were authentic for me.

That’s why I am now super passionate about self-growth and self development and I am committed to accompany you in embodying the highest version of yourself with a truly holistic approach.
In the process, I realized that we are all one expression of the same source energy, and if I managed to heal it all with commitment, courage, and radical responsibility, then you can do it too. For yourself, for your ancestors, for the future generations to come. And that’s why I am here with you.


  • Bachelor in Interpersonal Relationships, Developmental, Personality Psychology (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy) – (2016-2019)
  • MA in Fashion and Luxury Business Management (GBSB Global, Barcelona) – (2019-2020)
  • Diploma in Health and Clinical Psychology – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (ISEP Formación, Madrid) – (2022-2024)
  • Diploma in Advanced Coaching (Escuela de Formación Edpyn, Madrid. Accredited by ICF and ASESCO) – (2023-2024)
  • Trauma-Infomed Coaching Course (TCFH, Australia. IICT Accredited) – 2024
what i believe in

As within, so without. Everything in your life is a reflection of your internal reality. Change the image, and the reflection will change.

Empowerement, personal development, self-growth, eating Italian food 90% of the time (eheh) and learning new things every day! oh, and reading massive amounts of books.

Acting out of aligment with who I am.

Empathy, resilience, high intuition, curiosity.

Self-development, integrity, love, respect, fun, spirituality.

letter from the founder

You deserve to feel empowered every given moment of every day

It’s time to unlearn all the hurtful patterns that are holding you back from creating the life that you desire

Ready to meet your new self?

I know that starting your inner work journey can be scary... and it takes courage.

Which is why I am here to tell you that apart from being a professional, I am first and foremost a human with a lot of compassion and empathy and I cannot wait to meet you!

If you feel ready to create the transformation that you desire by taking action and radical responsibility, I would be honoured to accompany you in your journey of inner transformation

get in touch